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Unicard demo disk


     The demo disk contains a model configuration and several Sharp programs for familiarizing yourself with the Unicard. The basic program for controlling the Unicard is the Unicard Manager. This program is run automatically. From it, it is possible to run MZF, map floppy disk drives, Quick Disk, RAM disk etc. The running of Unicard manager is ensured in several ways:

  1. if /unicard/ramdisc.cfg exists and directs to /MZR/ramdisc.mzr, where the loader is located
  2. if the contents of the RAM disk are non-booting (for example /MZR/rambas.mzr), it is possible to use Reset+M to switch to the monitor and use the EB command to run the loader integrated in the firmware (this is not possible, if the RAM disk is marked as booting, but has CHECK SUM ER., for example after running BASIC with the booting RAM disk mapped)
  3. if /unicard/qd.cfg exists and directs to /MZQ/mzfloader.mzq, where the loader is located
  4. if a previous file exists, but the RAM disk is mapped with faulty content, it is possible to force the running of Quick Disk through Reset+Q

Contents of the SD card

      Description of the contents of the SD card and the individual folders:


Root folder (root)

  • – last version of the Unicard Mk3b firmware for SHARP MZ-800 (v0.18 from 29.7.2018)
unicard/                          190720


The Configuration of the Unicard

  • emm.cfg
    • maps the file /MZR/EMM1.mze on EMM device:
  • mouse.cfg
    • ensures the emulation of a PS/2 mouse on port 71h
    • normally the programs with mouse support use the second JoyPort on F1h, but this would overlap with the Unicard, so it is necessary to use modified programs, for example Lemmings from /DSK
  • mzfloader.cfg
    • directs to the Unicard manager /unicard/mgr800.mzf
    • is used for the integrated SRAM disk or loaders saved in QD: mzfloader.mzq or RAM: ramdisc.mzr
  • network.cfg
    • allows the configuration of the MAC address, IP address, mask and gateway for the integrated web server
  • qd.cfg
    • directs to the currently mapped QD image QD: (loader in MZQ/mzfloader.mzq set by default)
    • if the file does not exist the QD: is not emulated
  • ramdisc.cfg
    • directs to the currently mapped RAM disk (loader in MZR/ramdisc.mzr set by default)
  • /unicard/_not_used/ushelldisabled.cfg
    • restricts UniUSARTShell on a USB port, allowing the USB to be used for serial communication on an emulated serial card
    • if you move the file one folder up to /unicard, UniUSARTShell will not be available on the USB port for commands to move files, but for the emulation of a MZ-1E24 serial card


If you put the ramdisc.dat or mzfloader.mzq file into the /unicard folder, they will be mapped with higher priority into the RAM: or QD: regardless of any other configuration files and settings in the Unicard manager.

 OK:FILELIST /unicard
 emm.cfg                                  13
 mgr800.mzf                             8462
 mouse.cfg                                 0
 mzfloader.cfg                            19
 network.cfg                             169
 qd.cfg                                   18
 ramdisc.cfg                              16
OK:FILELIST /unicard/_not_used
ushelldisabled.cfg                        0


Programs for easy starting directly from the Unicard manager

  • BASIC_1Z-016A.mzf
    • BASIC 1Z-016 V1.0A with QD: and RAM: disk support
    • :!: before running I recommend to put /MZQ/qdtestbas.mzq into the QD: and /MZR/rambas.mzr into the RAM:, the booting RAM disk ramdisc.mzr is damaged by the BASIC test record when started
  • Flappy.mzf
    • game
  • Galalo.mzf
    • game
  • Zezas.mzf
    • :!: the game Zexas needs SW4 to be up (MZ-700 mode)
  • Y2K.mzf
    • a simple, but technically interesting game from the MZ-700, it creates fine graphics using different characters in each micro line even in the MZ-700 character mode. Requires the Japanese character generator, therefore do not use „Y“ to confirm the start, but „J“
BASIC_1Z-016A.mzf                     42112
Flappy.mzf                            44161
Galao.mzf                             20224
y2k.mzf                               32875
Zexas.mzf                             28800
  • The booting RAM disk ramdisc.mzr is damaged by the BASIC test record
  • If the RAM disk is marked as booting, but has CHECK SUM ER., the EB command does not work


Quick disk images

  • mzfloader.mzq
    • contains the loader for running the Unicard manager
    • if mapped in QD, only Reset or Reset+Q is neede for running the manager
  • qdtestbas.mzq
    • empty QD: disk with a simple AUTO RUN for BASIC MZ-1Z016A
mzfloader.mzq                         52868
qdtestbas.mzq                         61455


RAM disk images

  • EMM1.mze
    • EMM: image of a 640 kB disk, works with HU-BASIC,for example
  • ramdisc.mzr
    • RAM: disk image, which contains a loader for the Unicard manager
    • :!: running BASIC will destroy it
  • rambas.mzr
    • model RAM: disk for BASIC MZ-1Z016A
    • when running BASIC, the contents remain undamaged, it is possible to save and delete files from BASIC on it
EMM1.MZE                             655360
rambas.mzr                          1048576
ramdisc.mzr                         1048576


Floppy disk images

  • BASIC_2Z046_with_DEMO.DSK
    • contains floppy disk BASIC with a demo program
    • DEMO is run through RUN“OPENING 800“ (after running you just have to rewrite BTX to RUN 2 lines above the cursor and enter CR)
    • the Lemmings game modified for PS/2 mouse support in the Unicard
    • requires the mouse.cfg to be present in the /unicard/ folder
  • CPMv41 Prg CPM.dsk
    • the booting floppy disk CP/M with a UNIUTIL program for working with the Unicard
    • :!: I recommend this to be mapped to A:
  • Martin144.dsk
    • a 1,44 MB data floppy disk with UNIUTIL, Turbo Pascal 3.0 and NC source codes
    • :!: I recommend this to be mapped as D: and booted from A: [CPMv41 Prg CPM.dsk]
BASIC_2Z046_with_DEMO.DSK            348416
CPMv41 Prg CPM.dsk                   777984
CPM_LEMMINGS_UNICARD.dsk             778496
Martin144.dsk                       1510656



     The contents of the demo disk for a SHARP MZ-1500 are similar to the demo disk for SHARP MZ-800 in terms of structure and configuration files. When it comes to configuration files, running the Unicard manager, placing firmware for updating and connecting the peripherals using CFG files, the same rules apply as with Sharp MZ-800. Only the firmware and the Unicard manager are different in their contents, because they are programmed specifically for Sharp MZ-1500.

Contents of the SD card

      Description of the contents of the SD card and its individual folders:


Root folder (root)

  • – the last version of the Unicard Mk3b firmware for SHARP MZ-1500 (v0.18 from 29.7.2018)
unicard/                          198988


Configuration of the Unicard

  • mzfloader.cfg
    • directs to the Unicard manager /unicard/mgr1500.mzf
    • is used for the integrated SRAM disk or loaders saved in QD: mzfloader.mzq or RAM: ramdisc.mzr
  • qd.cfg
    • directs to the currently mapped QD image: (loader in MZQ/mzfloader.mzq set by default)
    • if the file does not exist, the QD: is not emulated
  • ramdisc.cfg
    • directs to the currently mapped RAM: disk (loader in MZR/ramdisc.mzr set by default)
  • mz1r23.rom, mz1r23.rom
    • turns on the emulation of a KANJI vocabulary card
 OK:FILELIST /unicard
 mgr1500.mzf                            7138
 mz1r23.rom                           131072
 mz1r23.rom                           262144
 mzfloader.cfg                            20
 qd.cfg                                   18
 ramdisc.cfg                              16


Programs for easy starting directly from the Unicard manager

  • Hu-Basic V2.0a.mzt
    • HUBASIC VERSION 2.0A with QD:, RAM: and EMM: disk support
  • Cosmic Cruiser 3.mzf
    • hra
Cosmic Cruiser 3.mzf                  19072
Hu-Basic V2.0a.mzt                    35328


Quick Disk Images

  • mzfloader.mzq
    • contains the loader for running the Unicard manager
    • if mapped in QD, only Reset or Reset+Q is neede for running the manager
  • Flappy_A.mzq, Flappy_B.mzq
    • a game for testing running Quick disk games on two or more Quick disks (don't forget to wait for three seconds before confirming the prompt to change Quick)
  • QDisk-5Z001_74.mzq
    • Basic MZ-5Z001 V1.0A
    • :!: the booting RAM disk ramdisc.mzr is damaged by the BASIC test record when started
Flappy_A.mzq                          61471
Flappy_B.mzq                          61471
QDisk-5Z001_74.mzq                    61471
mzfloader.mzq                           258


RAM disk images

  • ramdisc.mzr
    • RAM: disk image that contains the loader for the Unicard manager
    • :!: running Basic MZ-5Z001 V1.0A will destroy it
ramdisc.mzr                           65536

     To the owners of MZ-1500 computers I recommend also going through the contents of the demo disk for MZ-800. The common information for both computers is described in detail in this part of the Unicard demo disk description.


en/unicard/z30demodisc.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/14 22:47 (external edit)