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UniCMT is a modern cassette tape replacement for SHARP MZ-700, MZ-800 and MZ-1500 computers. It allows you to record programs and data to and from your computer via a modern storage device - a USB flash drive.

UniCMT in 3D printed case for SHARP MZ-800 UniCMT in 3D printed case for SHARP MZ-700

In addition to the standard speed used by cassette recorders, which is fully compatible with all programs, it can also operate at significantly higher speeds, up to 55 times faster. This way you can run a program that used to take about 5 minutes to load from a cassette recorder now in less than 6 seconds.

UniCMT manager Loading BASIC MZ-1Z016 from UniCMT manager

The built-in file manager makes programs launching simple and straightforward without any modification to your computer needed. The UniCMT takes the place of the built-in cassette recorder.

UniCMT board top UniCMT board bottom

More information can be found here:

Special thanks

  • Bohumil Nováček - for the whole UniCMT, thanks to him for the hardware and software, and actually for all his great projects for new HW and SW, which makes others happy
  • Milan Tušer - for a lot of work and patience in the creation of Unicard dokuwiki, which I extended and used for UniCMT, and also for patient help with proofreading my texts
  • Michal Medek - for suggestions, ideas and information on SHARP MZ HW and SW

Information sources

If you have any suggestions for improving the site or find any errors, please write to martin“at”8bity“dot”cz

UniCMT dokuwiki: zpracoval Martin8bity

en/unicmt.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/26 22:01 by admin